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Content Owners and Content Creators

Updated: Jul 1

Monetize your content seamlessly and where it matters most.

Content creation is no longer just about producing engaging videos, blogs, or social media posts. It’s about monetizing content effectively to generate revenue and sustain your creative endeavors. Obvious can help – we are already partnering with top content companies to help content owners and creators optimize their revenue streams seamlessly and strategically.

Content owners, such as media companies with libraries of long-form videos, often have untapped potential sitting in their archives. Obvious helps unlock this potential by transforming these long videos into short, engaging clips suitable for platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

This process revitalizes older content and adapts it to current viewing trends, increasing its relevance and viewership.

 Content owners can maximize exposure and generate new revenue streams without additional production costs by converting long-form content into multiple short clips and adapting it for popular platforms.

For content creators, the challenge lies in growing their audience and earning from their creative work. Obvious provides tools and strategies to make this possible.

Leveraging Generative AI, Obvious creates tailored, high-quality short clips from long-form content optimized for maximum engagement and monetization. This approach helps creators reach more viewers with engaging short-form content, create clips that captivate and retain viewers, and integrate ads and sponsorships seamlessly into their content for effective monetization.

Understanding where your content will impact most is crucial for effective monetization. Obvious uses advanced analytics to determine the best platforms and formats for your content, ensuring it reaches the right audience. By analyzing viewer behavior, optimizing content format, and maximizing ad revenue, Obvious helps content owners and creators navigate the complex landscape of digital platforms. This strategic approach ensures that your content performs well and earns the revenue it deserves, allowing you to focus on creating compelling content while Obvious handles the complexities of monetization.

The changing content landscape

Remember the days when long-form content was the king of the hill?

Back then, creating a 20-minute video or a detailed blog post was the gold standard for engaging your audience. Those pieces were a labor of love, meticulously crafted to hold the audience's attention. But as our digital consumption habits have evolved, so too has the way we engage with content.

Today, bite-sized clips and snappy snippets rule the roost. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have revolutionized how we consume media, turning “less is more” into a mantra for modern content creators.

At Obvious, we’ve seen firsthand how challenging it can be for creators to adapt to these changes. It’s not just about trimming down content; it’s about rethinking how stories are told.

The beauty of short-form content lies in its ability to deliver a punchy, engaging narrative in mere seconds. Making those seconds count is an art in itself.

Embracing the short-form revolution

At Obvious, we’ve embraced this shift with open arms, and our mission is to help you do the same.

Our platform transforms long-form videos into engaging short clips tailor-made for today’s digital audience. But let’s be clear: we’re not just chopping up your videos and hoping for the best. We’re taking a thoughtful, strategic approach to ensure that each clip captures the essence of your original content and resonates with viewers on platforms designed for short bursts of entertainment.

It’s about distilling the core message, the emotional heart of your content, into a format that fits today's viewers' fast-paced, scroll-happy habits. Think of it as taking a gourmet meal and turning it into a series of delectable, bite-sized appetizers. Each one should be satisfying on its own, yet leave the audience craving more.

The Magic of repurposing

One of the biggest advantages of shifting from long-form to short-form content is the ability to repurpose existing material.

As a creator, you’ve already invested a significant amount of time and effort into producing your content. Why not extend its lifespan and reach by repackaging it for different platforms? That’s where we come in.

Obvious uses sophisticated AI tools to analyze your long-form videos, identify the most engaging segments, and transform them into short clips that are optimized for platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

This isn’t just about convenience; it’s about maximizing the value of your work. By repurposing your content, you’re reaching new audiences and reinforcing your brand’s presence across multiple channels. It’s a win-win situation that allows you to keep creating while we handle the technical heavy lifting.

We are ALL creators

For many creators, the idea of handing over your content to an AI might feel a bit unsettling. We get it. Your content is your baby, and the thought of an algorithm messing with it can be nerve-wracking. That’s why, at Obvious, we take a compassionate approach. Our team of experts works alongside the AI to ensure that the final product stays true to your vision and maintains the quality your audience expects.

We’re not here to replace your creative process but to enhance it. By freeing you from the tedious task of editing and repurposing, we give you more time to focus on what you do best: creating amazing content.

Conclusion: less is truly more

In the end, the transition from long-form to short-form content is about embracing change and finding new ways to connect with your audience. It’s about recognizing that less can indeed be more when done right.

At Obvious, we’re committed to helping you navigate this shift with ease and confidence, ensuring that your content shines in every format.

So, to all the creators out there: keep dreaming big, keep pushing boundaries, and remember that sometimes, the smallest packages can deliver the biggest impact. Let’s make every second count together.




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